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Academic biliteracies [online] : multilingual repertoires in higher education / edited by David M. Palfreyman, Christa van der Walt

Contributor(s): PALFREYMAN, David [ed.] | VAN DER WALT, Christa [ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Bilingual Education & Bilingualism: 107Publisher: Bristol : Multilingual Matters, 2017Description: 1 resursă online (ix, 224 p.).ISBN: 9781783097425.Subject(s): | DE-Limbi moderne aplicate | | educație multilingvă | bilingvism | etică academică | învățământ superior | cărți străine | cărți achiziții | cărți electroniceGenre/Form: resursă online Online resources: Acces la textul integral numai din contul de acces mobil
Introduction: Biliteracies in Higher Education ‘No Way, I Could Never Write My Essays in Cantonese. I Only Know How to Do It in English’: Understanding Undergraduate Students’ Languages and Literacies at a Hong Kong University Academic Biliteracy in College: Borderland Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Mobilization of Semiotic Resources Translanguaging in University Literacy Practice: Bilingual Collaboration Around English Texts Surfacing and Valuing Students’ Linguistic Resources in an English-Dominant University Translation Narratives: Engaging Multilingual Learners in Translingual Writing Practices Affirming the Biliteracy of University Students: Provision of Multilingual Lecture Resources at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa Creative Collaboration in Higher Education: A Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Case Study Bilingual Academic Literacies for Chinese Language Teachers Biliteracy as Policy in Academic Institutions Afterword: Moving Forward with Academic Biliteracy Research
List(s) this item appears in: Titluri cărți electronice De Gruyter | Titluri cărți electronice intrate în bibliotecă în anul 2020 | Titluri cărți limbi moderne (DC nave) intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți pedagogie intrate în 2016-2022 | Titluri cărți științele educației intrate în 2016-2022 | Titluri cărți științele educației intrate în 2016-2023 | Fond de carte de științe administrative (DC) (2) | Fond de carte de științe administrative (DC) publicate în 2014-2023 (1) | Titluri cărți filosofie intrate în 2016-2024 | Titluri cărți științele educației intrate în 2016-2024 | Titluri cărți științele educației publicate în 2014-2024
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Include referințe bibliografice.

Introduction: Biliteracies in Higher Education ‘No Way, I Could Never Write My Essays in Cantonese. I Only Know How to Do It in English’: Understanding Undergraduate Students’ Languages and Literacies at a Hong Kong University Academic Biliteracy in College: Borderland Undergraduate Engineering Students’ Mobilization of Semiotic Resources Translanguaging in University Literacy Practice: Bilingual Collaboration Around English Texts Surfacing and Valuing Students’ Linguistic Resources in an English-Dominant University Translation Narratives: Engaging Multilingual Learners in Translingual Writing Practices Affirming the Biliteracy of University Students: Provision of Multilingual Lecture Resources at the University of the Western Cape, South Africa Creative Collaboration in Higher Education: A Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Case Study Bilingual Academic Literacies for Chinese Language Teachers Biliteracy as Policy in Academic Institutions Afterword: Moving Forward with Academic Biliteracy Research

Achiziție prin Proiectul Anelis Plus 2020.

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