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A psycholinguistic approach to technology and language learning [online] / edited by Ronard Philip. Leow, Luis Cerezo, Melissa Baralt

Contributor(s): CEREZO, Luis [ed.] | LEOW, Ronald Philip [ed.] | BARALT, Melissa [ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookSeries: Studies in Second and Foreign Language Education: Publisher: Berlin : De Gruyter Mouton, 2016Description: 1 resursă online (267 p.).ISBN: 9781614513674.Subject(s): | DE-Calculatoare și tehnologia informației | DE-Limba și literatura engleză | | limba engleză | software | lingvistică aplicată | semiotică | cărți străine | cărți achiziții | cărți electroniceGenre/Form: resursă online Online resources: Acces la textul integral numai din contul de acces mobil
Section I: Introduction to technology and SLA theory The language classroom in the age of networked learning Theoretical approaches to CALL research: Toward a psycholinguistic perspective
Section II: Technology and sla research: methodological issues Always in motion the future is: Doctoral students’ use of technology for SLA research Technology and SLA research: Validity issues
Section III: Technology and sla research: empirical studies CALL versus non-CALL in L2 form learning: A research synthesis and meta-analysis of comparative studies The variable effects of level of awareness and CALL versus non-CALL textual modification on adult L2 readers’ comprehension and learning Awareness, type of medium, and L2 development: Revisiting Hsieh (2008) Levels of awareness in relation to type of recast and type of linguistic item in synchronous computer-mediated communication: A concurrent investigation Explicit corrective feedback and computer-based, form-focused instruction: The role of L1 in promoting awareness of L2 forms Uptake, task complexity, and L2 development in SLA: An online perspective Clicking in the second language (L2) classroom: The effectiveness of type and timing of clicker-based feedback in Spanish L2 development
Section IV: Technology and practice Psycholinguistically motivated CALL activities Where do we go from here?
List(s) this item appears in: Titluri cărți electronice De Gruyter | Titluri cărți electronice limba și literatura engleză | Titluri cărți electronice intrate în bibliotecă în anul 2020 | Titluri cărți limbi moderne (DC nave) intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți limbi străine intrate în 2010-2021 | Titluri cărți informatică intrate în 2016-2022 | Titluri cărți limba și literatura engleză intrate în 2016-2023 | Titluri cărți filologie intrate în 2016-2023 | Titluri cărți străine filologie(2) | Titluri cărți electronice limba și literatura engleză (1) | Fond de carte de științe administrative (DC) (2) | Fond de carte de științe administrative (DC) publicate în 2014-2023 (1) | Titluri cărți calculatoare | Titluri cărți limbi străine intrate în 2016-2024 | Titluri cărți limbi străine publicate în 2014-2024
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Section I: Introduction to technology and SLA theory The language classroom in the age of networked learning Theoretical approaches to CALL research: Toward a psycholinguistic perspective

Section II: Technology and sla research: methodological issues Always in motion the future is: Doctoral students’ use of technology for SLA research Technology and SLA research: Validity issues

Section III: Technology and sla research: empirical studies CALL versus non-CALL in L2 form learning: A research synthesis and meta-analysis of comparative studies The variable effects of level of awareness and CALL versus non-CALL textual modification on adult L2 readers’ comprehension and learning Awareness, type of medium, and L2 development: Revisiting Hsieh (2008) Levels of awareness in relation to type of recast and type of linguistic item in synchronous computer-mediated communication: A concurrent investigation Explicit corrective feedback and computer-based, form-focused instruction: The role of L1 in promoting awareness of L2 forms Uptake, task complexity, and L2 development in SLA: An online perspective Clicking in the second language (L2) classroom: The effectiveness of type and timing of clicker-based feedback in Spanish L2 development

Section IV: Technology and practice Psycholinguistically motivated CALL activities Where do we go from here?

Achiziție prin Proiectul Anelis Plus 2020.

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