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Destination marketing and management [online] : theories and applications / edited by Youcheng Wang, Abraham Pizam

Contributor(s): WANG, Youcheng | PIZAM, Abraham.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Wallington, Oxfordshire, UK ; Cambridge, MA : CABI, 2011Description: 1 resursă online (x, 370 p.).ISBN: 9781845937621 (print); 9781845937003.Subject(s): | DE-Marketing | DE-Management | | turism | marketing | management | cărți străine | cărți electroniceGenre/Form: Online resources: Acces la textul integral numai din Intranet sau contul de acces mobil
Destination marketing and management: scope, definition and structures Destination planning and policy: process and practice Travel motivation, benefits and constraints to destinations Traveller decision making: the experientialist stance Destination information search strategies Experiential consumption and destination marketing Destination marketing research: issues and challenges. Destination branding and positioning Destination image development and communication The evolution of tourism products in St Andrews, Scotland: from religious relics to golfing Mecca Distribution channels in destination marketing and promotion Destination marketing systems: critical factors for functional design and management eTourism: critical information and communication technologies for tourism destinations Web 2.0, the online community and destination marketing Events and destination management Collaborative destination marketing: principles and applications Tourism development and destination community residents The importance of safety and security for tourism destinations Destination crisis management A model of destination competitiveness and sustainability Destination management: challenges and opportunities
List(s) this item appears in: Titluri cărți electronice CABI | Titluri cărți electronice intrate în bibliotecă în anul 2020 | Titluri cărți electronice marketing | Titluri cărți mk-comunicare (DC nave) intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți cibernetică și informatică economică (DC) intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți management intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți marketing intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți ECTS intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți management-marketing intrate în 2010-2021 | Titluri cărți electronice biblioteca proprie (FEAA) | Titluri RE administrarea afacerilor în alimentația publică intrate în 2016-2022 | Titluri cărți marketing în limba engleză | Titluri cărți marketing intrate în 2016-2023 | Titluri cărți master ADAT intrate în 2016-2023
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Destination marketing and management: scope, definition and structures Destination planning and policy: process and practice Travel motivation, benefits and constraints to destinations Traveller decision making: the experientialist stance Destination information search strategies Experiential consumption and destination marketing Destination marketing research: issues and challenges. Destination branding and positioning Destination image development and communication The evolution of tourism products in St Andrews, Scotland: from religious relics to golfing Mecca Distribution channels in destination marketing and promotion Destination marketing systems: critical factors for functional design and management eTourism: critical information and communication technologies for tourism destinations Web 2.0, the online community and destination marketing Events and destination management Collaborative destination marketing: principles and applications Tourism development and destination community residents The importance of safety and security for tourism destinations Destination crisis management A model of destination competitiveness and sustainability Destination management: challenges and opportunities

Achiziție prin Proiectul Anelis Plus 2020.

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Biblioteca Universității "Dunărea de Jos" din Galați

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