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Climate change and agricultural ecosystems [online] : current challenges and adaptation / edited by Krishna Kumar Choudhary, Ajay Kumar and Amit Kishore Singh

Contributor(s): CHOUDHARY, Krishna Kumar [ed.] | MISHRA, Ajay Kumar | SINGH, Amit Kishore [ed.].
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: Duxford, United Kingdom ; Cambridge, MA : Woodhead Publishing, 2019Description: 1 resursă online (482 p.).ISBN: 9780128175224; 9780128164839.Subject(s): | DE-Știința mediului | DE-Agronomie | | schimbări climatice | ecologie | agricultură | agricultură, ca ramură economică | știința solului | cărți străine | cărți achiziții | cărți electroniceOther classification: 63/C57 Online resources: Acces online la textul integral numai din Intranet
Agriculture in the Era of Climate Change: Consequences and Effects Sustainable Agricultural Practices Using Beneficial Fungi Under Changing Climate Scenario Climate Change and Soil Dynamics: Effects on Soil Microbes and Fertility of Soil Agrochemicals: Harmful and Beneficial Effects of Climate Changing Scenarios Climate Change and Secondary Metabolism in Plants: Resilience to Disruption Impact of Xenobiotics Under a Changing Climate Scenario Impact of Climate Change on Plant–Microbe Interactions under Agroecosystems Medicinal Plants Under Climate Change: Impacts on Pharmaceutical Properties of Plants Air Pollution: Role in Climate Change and Its Impact on Crop Plants Cyanobacteria and Their Role Under Elevated CO2 Conditions Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Plant Responses: Current and Future Consequences Climatic Resilient Agriculture for Root, Tuber, and Banana Crops using Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes Understanding Soil Aggregate Dynamics and Its Relation With Land Use and Climate Change Climate Change: A Challenge for Postharvest Management, Food Loss, Food Quality, and Food Security Impact of Climate Change on Soil Carbon Exchange, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Plant–Microbe Interactions Bioinformatics as a Tool to Counter Climate Change: Challenges and Prospects Developing Adaptive Capability of Agricultural Societies in the Context of Climate Change
List(s) this item appears in: Titluri cărți electronice achiziționate prin proiectul Expert (1) | Titluri cărți ingineria mediului intrate în 2016-2020 | Titluri cărți electronice ingineria mediului | Titluri cărți electronice agronomie | Titluri cărți electronice intrate în bibliotecă în anul 2020 | Titluri cărți știința mediului intrate în 2016-2021 (fără teze) | Titluri cărți știința mediului intrate în 2016-2021 | Titluri cărți știința mediului (2016-2024)
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Agriculture in the Era of Climate Change: Consequences and Effects Sustainable Agricultural Practices Using Beneficial Fungi Under Changing Climate Scenario Climate Change and Soil Dynamics: Effects on Soil Microbes and Fertility of Soil Agrochemicals: Harmful and Beneficial Effects of Climate Changing Scenarios Climate Change and Secondary Metabolism in Plants: Resilience to Disruption Impact of Xenobiotics Under a Changing Climate Scenario Impact of Climate Change on Plant–Microbe Interactions under Agroecosystems Medicinal Plants Under Climate Change: Impacts on Pharmaceutical Properties of Plants Air Pollution: Role in Climate Change and Its Impact on Crop Plants Cyanobacteria and Their Role Under Elevated CO2 Conditions Rising Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Plant Responses: Current and Future Consequences Climatic Resilient Agriculture for Root, Tuber, and Banana Crops using Plant Growth-Promoting Microbes Understanding Soil Aggregate Dynamics and Its Relation With Land Use and Climate Change Climate Change: A Challenge for Postharvest Management, Food Loss, Food Quality, and Food Security Impact of Climate Change on Soil Carbon Exchange, Ecosystem Dynamics, and Plant–Microbe Interactions Bioinformatics as a Tool to Counter Climate Change: Challenges and Prospects Developing Adaptive Capability of Agricultural Societies in the Context of Climate Change

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